
NUSH Canteen Queue Length API Documentation

Queue JSON object

A Queue JSON object containing queue information is an object like so:

"time": 1553015000.0000 /*time of record in seconds since 1970*/,
"data_count": 12 /*number of people in queue*/
"raw_count": 45 /*actual number of devices detected*/


To access to the queue data, you'll need to perform a GET request to one of these URLs.


- Returns a Queue JSON object representing the most recent queue data collected.


- amount: maximum amount of queue JSON objects to return. Defaults to Infinity when not provided or that the input value is invalid.
- since: the earliest time (in seconds since 1970) of queue data values that should be returned. Defaults to 0 (i.e. all queue data from any time are acceptable) when not provided or that the input value is invalid.
- order: order of values when returned. Defaults to oldestToLatest when not provided or that the input value is invalid.

- Returns queue data in an array of Queue JSON objects.


- Returns all queue data in an array of Queue JSON objects. Equivalent to calling /recentQueueData, but without parameters and with slightly faster response times.

- order: order of values when returned. Defaults to oldestToLatest when not provided or that the input value is invalid.

Brought to you by AppVenture by NUS High. Created by Wern Jie Lim.